2009年5月21日 星期四

PVFS install on Gentoo Linux

繼上一篇 Gluster install on Gentoo Linux 後,最近又試了另外一套 PVFS.
安裝上比 Gluster 步驟多很多,而且個人覺得編譯上不是很順利 ~_~
kernel: linux-2.6.28-gentoo-r5

前置準備工作,安裝 PVFS 相依到的軟體。
1. Berkely DB (version 3 or 4)
$ emerge -uD sys-libs/db
2. aio support (provided by glibc and librt)
$ emerge -uD sys-libs/glibc
glibc 2.8 (目前 glibc 版本用的是 2.8)
3. pthreads
NPTL 2.8
4. gcc 2.96 or newer
$ gcc -v
gcc version 4.3.2 (Gentoo 4.3.2-r3 p1.6, pie-10.1.5)
5. GNU Make
$ gmake -v
GNU Make 3.81

下載 PVFS source code.
由於目前最新的 pvfs-2.8.1 在搭配 2.6.28 kernel 還有問題,我在 5/20/2009 checkout 新的 code 已經沒有問題了。
check out source code 方法可參考 Source Code Access
$ cd /usr/src
To check out the latest pvfs2 tree:
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.parl.clemson.edu:/anoncvs login
(use any password)
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.parl.clemson.edu:/anoncvs co pvfs2
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.parl.clemson.edu:/anoncvs logout

安裝 pvfs 套件。
$ cd /usr/src/pvfs2
$ ./configure --disable-karma --enable-epoll --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-2.6.28-gentoo-r5
***** Displaying PVFS Configuration Information *****
PVFS2 configured to build karma gui : no
PVFS2 configured to perform coverage analysis : no
PVFS2 configured for aio threaded callbacks : yes
PVFS2 configured to use FUSE : no
PVFS2 configured for the 2.6.x kernel module : yes
PVFS2 configured for the 2.4.x kernel module : no
PVFS2 configured for using the mmap-ra-cache : no
PVFS2 will use workaround for redhat 2.4 kernels : no
PVFS2 will use workaround for buggy NPTL : no
PVFS2 server will be built : yes
$ make
$ make install

設定 pvfs,在 PVFS 系統中,有幾個子系統,metadata server, I/O server, client.
我目前的組態設定是 4 台 metadata server, 同時這 4 台亦扮演 I/O server 的角色。

4.1. Server configuration
$ pvfs2-genconfig /etc/pvfs2-fs.conf
Welcome to the PVFS2 Configuration Generator:
This interactive script will generate configuration files suitable
for use with a new PVFS2 file system. Please see the PVFS2 quickstart
guide for details.
You must first select the network protocol that your file system will use.
The only currently supported options are "tcp", "gm", "mx", "ib", and "portals".
(For multi-homed configurations, use e.g. "ib,tcp".)
* Enter protocol type [Default is tcp]:
Choose a TCP/IP port for the servers to listen on. Note that this
script assumes that all servers will use the same port number.
* Enter port number [Default is 3334]:
Choose a directory for each server to store data in.
* Enter directory name: [Default is /pvfs2-storage-space]: /hd1
Choose a file for each server to write log messages to.
* Enter log file location [Default is /tmp/pvfs2-server.log]:
Next you must list the hostnames of the machines that will act as
I/O servers. Acceptable syntax is "node1, node2, ..." or "node{#-#,#,#}".
* Enter hostnames [Default is localhost]: node{25-28}
Use same servers for metadata? (recommended)
* Enter yes or no [Default is yes]:
Configured a total of 4 servers:
4 of them are I/O servers.
4 of them are Metadata servers.
* Would you like to verify server list (y/n) [Default is n]? y
****** I/O servers:
****** Metadata servers:
* Does this look ok (y/n) [Default is y]? y
Writing fs config file... done

4.2. 編輯 /etc/hosts 設定 host-ip map, 確認每台 node 都有彼此的 host-ip map.
140.110.x.24 node24
140.110.x.25 node25
140.110.x.26 node26
140.110.x.27 node27
140.110.x.28 node28
設定檔派送,因為每台 node 都需認得相同的 fsid, 因此建議直接 scp 過去。
$ for i in `seq 25 28`; do scp /etc/pvfs2-fs.conf node\${i}:/etc/

4.3. 儲存空間初始化。
$ pvfs2-server /etc/pvfs2-fs.conf -f
[S 05/21 08:12] PVFS2 Server version 2.8.1pre1-2009-05-21-000601 starting.
[D 05/21 08:13] PVFS2 Server: storage space created. Exiting.

4.4. 啟動 Server.
$ pvfs2-server /etc/pvfs2-fs.conf
[D 05/21 08:14] PVFS2 Server version 2.8.1pre1-2009-05-21-000601 starting.

4.5. Client configuration
$ mkdir /mnt/pvfs2
$ touch /etc/pvfs2tab
$ chmod a+r /etc/pvfs2tab
$ cat /etc/pvfs2tab
tcp://node25:3334/pvfs2-fs /mnt/pvfs2 pvfs2 defaults,noauto 0 0

4.6. 測試
$ pvfs2-ping -m /mnt/pvfs2
(1) Parsing tab file...
(2) Initializing system interface...
(3) Initializing each file system found in tab file: /etc/pvfs2tab...
PVFS2 servers: tcp://node25:3334
Storage name: pvfs2-fs
Local mount point: /mnt/pvfs2
/mnt/pvfs2: Ok
(4) Searching for /mnt/pvfs2 in pvfstab...
PVFS2 servers: tcp://node25:3334
Storage name: pvfs2-fs
Local mount point: /mnt/pvfs2
meta servers:
data servers:
(5) Verifying that all servers are responding...
meta servers:
tcp://node25:3334 Ok
tcp://node26:3334 Ok
tcp://node27:3334 Ok
tcp://node28:3334 Ok
data servers:
tcp://node25:3334 Ok
tcp://node26:3334 Ok
tcp://node27:3334 Ok
tcp://node28:3334 Ok
(6) Verifying that fsid 1234446610 is acceptable to all servers...
Ok; all servers understand fs_id 1234446610
(7) Verifying that root handle is owned by one server...
Root handle: 1048576
Ok; root handle is owned by exactly one server.
The PVFS2 filesystem at /mnt/pvfs2 appears to be correctly configured.

PVFS Linux Kernel Interface
5.1. 安裝 kernel module
$ cd /usr/src/pvfs2
$ make kmod
$ make kmod_install
5.2. 載入 module 並確認
$ insmod /usr/src/pvfs2/src/kernel/linux-2.6/pvfs2.ko
$ lsmod
Module Size Used by
pvfs2 103280 0
$ dmesg grep pvfs
pvfs2: module version 2.8.1pre1-2009-05-21-000601 loaded

啟動 Client.
$ cd /usr/src/pvfs2/src/apps/kernel/linux
$ ./pvfs2-client -f -p ./pvfs2-client-core
pvfs2-client starting
Spawning new child process
About to exec: ./pvfs2-client-core, with args: pvfs2-client-core --child -a 5 -n 5 --logtype file -L /tmp/pvfs2-client.log
Waiting on child with pid 29965

$ mount -t pvfs2 tcp://node25:3334/pvfs2-fs /mnt/pvfs2
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3 33G 2.3G 31G 7% /
udev 10M 40K 10M 1% /dev
shm 506M 0 506M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/cciss/c0d1p1 34G 33M 34G 1% /hd1
tcp://node25:3334/pvfs2-fs 136G 132M 136G 1% /mnt/pvfs2
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/pvfs2/test bs=4k count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
$ ls -la /mnt/pvfs2/test
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40960 May 21 10:29 /mnt/pvfs2/test

詳細的安裝設定請參考 Documentation.

